One Leicester Announce Rahoul Naik as Leicester West Candidate In Upcoming General Election

May 28, 2024
 Min Read

Following last week’s announcement of Cllr Diane Cank joining Leicester’s newest political party, One Leicester, the party has now announced their first General Election candidate for Leicester West.

Rahoul Naik, 28, a local businessman and former member of UK Youth Parliament for Leicester left the Labour Party in 2023 and will stand in his first election against Labour’s Liz Kendall.

On his candidacy, Mr Naik said “I am proud to be able to give the residents in Leicester West a credible option in the upcoming General Election. I was 14 years old when David Cameron’s Tories first came into power and over the last 14 years, we have seen scandal after scandal and utter chaos which has left people in Leicester West worse off and forgotten.”

“The constituency has some of the poorest and most forgotten neighbourhoods in the City with many children and families living in poverty. They have been let down by the Tories nationally and Labour locally. I want to fight for local residents to get a better deal fromWestminster and in Leicester too.”

“From Aylestone to Westcotes and Braunstone Park to Beaumont Leys, I’ve heard from people on the doorstep who say there is no difference between Labour and the Tories and they are looking for an MP that will be active and visible in their local areas instead of being distracted by party politics in Westminster.”

Rahoul has been working in community development for over ten years with currentTrusteeships at two local charities and is a primary school governor too. His experience of working with young people, navigating a turbulent economic climate during COVID-19 and helping the most vulnerable in our city gives him the perfect foundation to represent Leicester West.

One Leicester leader, Rita Patel hailed Mr Naik as part of a “generation of young leaders that bring new and exciting ideas to politics with a refreshing view on fighting climate change, housing, education, youth provision and the economy. He’s been an integral part in developing our manifesto and I am sure residents in Leicester West will vote with confidence for Rahoul.”

She continued “We are excited to be recruiting volunteers across the city for our campaign and residents can find more information about our manifesto and how to join us or email”

For more information please contact or call 07866678423

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