
These are the issues we will campaign on, create solutions for and help to fix when elected

Our 10 Pledges

We will fight for a better deal from Westminster and locally from the Labour Council

Putting the people of Leicester first

Most importantly, we want to serve you and not just follow the ‘party line’. Local people in Leicester have suffered at the hands of politicians making decisions to please donors and party leaders. 

We say enough is enough. Local people deserve better and we are here to provide a new positive way of doing politics. We will listen to you, fight for your interests and always put the needs of Leicester first. 

The Local Labour Council has stopped listening to local people and continued to mould the city to the whim of the City Mayor, whilst nationally the Tories have reduced investment in Leicester due to party politics. 

The people of Leicester deserve better; we want to build a brighter future for Leicester.

Fight the cost of living crisis

On the doorstep, you have told us countless times about the very direct effects of the cost of living crisis that you are facing every single day. Families have to choose between heating or eating and over 40% of children under-16 are living in poverty in our city. This is wrong and it should never have been this way. 

We pledge to fight this cost of living crisis locally and in Parliament. We want to see an economic plan that backs hard-working people, a reintroduction of energy grants and discounts and further security through higher living wages.

This crisis is very real and without direct government involvement, we will see the poorest in society fall further into poverty.

Fix our broken NHS

Over a decade of underfunding by the Tories has meant that our beloved NHS is broken and on its knees. Local people are unable to book an appointment to see a doctor and have to wait hours for an ambulance. How can we let this go on?

We will fight for an NHS that delivers what you need when you need it. From improving waiting times across departments to increasing the number of doctors registered; we must invest in our NHS and the people that save lives every day. 

In a recent assessment, it was reported that Leicester has significantly higher rates of oral cancer than the rest of the UK. Our communities are facing the realities of privatisation of dental care. We pledge to fight for universal dental care for all and reverse dental care privatisation to ensure we all have access to high-quality care under the NHS.

Fight Climate Change

One of our biggest existential threats is climate change. Big companies continue to pollute our air and water under the Tories, whilst Labour has already u-turned on their green promises.

We cannot let this go on.  

We want to see a green industrial revolution where innovative technology and bright ideas are at the forefront of policy-making. We will fight for investment in green energy including solar and wind whilst protecting our green spaces and increasing the windfall tax on energy companies. 

We believe in supporting the use of public transport and making it easy for local residents to play their part in achieving global climate targets and building a sustainable future for all.

Safer streets and neighbourhoods

Leicester’s crime rate is 13% higher than the national average with violent crimes making up over 37% of all crimes reported. Our streets are not safe under the Tories or Labour. 

Knife crime continues to be endemic across our city with many of our young people also involved in anti-social behaviour and drug misuse. All whilst trust and confidence in our police force has dropped considerably. 

We need change and we need it now. We pledge to fight for more police officers in our communities, an increase in support to reduce violence (especially against women and girls) and more investment in our young people so they can have a positive future.

Invest in young people and education

Young people today are less hopeful about the future than ever before. A fall in job opportunities, inflated house prices and an underfunded education system have left young people in a state of disillusionment. 

We want to see meaningful investment into our education system so teachers can prepare our young people for life. An education system where teachers are not crowdfunding to pay for books and pens but one where young people are encouraged to achieve their dreams and be ambitious. 

Young people need tangible routes for their future including careers through apprenticeships, the arts and a green revolution. 

We will fight for investment in youth services and increase opportunities for young people to develop new skills and make a positive impact on society.

Build houses sustainably to reduce prices and waiting lists

Leicester, alongside most of the country, is in a housing crisis. The most recent figures show that over 6,000 people are on the housing waiting list in Leicester alone. We believe everyone deserves to live in a safe, sustainable and affordable home. 

The Tories have failed to achieve their house-building targets, they cannot be trusted to deliver for local people. In Leicester, we have seen a failure of leadership as the Labour City Mayor continues to blame others for the housing crisis.

We will fight for a house-building plan that is sustainable, green and quick. We believe innovative house-building schemes used globally can have a positive impact and drastically reduce house prices and waiting lists.

Create Jobs & bring in new business investment to Leicester

The unemployment rate in Leicester has increased by over 50% in the last 24 months and is the highest in the East Midlands. That is more people unable to secure their futures and struggling to survive through the cost-of-living crisis. 

Locally and nationally, Labour and the Tories have shown that they don’t want to put the interests of hard-working people first, but we do. 

We will increase investment into Leicester and create job opportunities for local people, especially in the green economy. We want to create a thriving economy that encourages businesses to employ local people at a living wage and contribute to the local community. 

We want to build a thriving environment where Leicester’s businesses can develop, grow and attract local talent. This includes creating enhanced support networks in Leicester and across the UK, whilst creating innovative spaces for businesses to use like the Space Park.

Support a fair and just Foreign Policy Agenda

Both Labour and the Tories have blood on their hands. We will not let this continue. 

We will fight for a withdrawal of arms sales to Israel and an end to the war in Gaza and across the world. 

We don’t believe in deportation deals with Rwanda, but instead creating effective global partnerships to support those fleeing war, poverty and famine.

We want to be a key part of a thriving world built on positive cooperation, peace and justice. 

We will advocate for positive strategic relationships with international partners and work to fight the effects of climate change at home and in the Global South.

Creating a social care system that works

A workforce in crisis, rising costs of providing services and pressure on local authority finances have left our social care system crumbling to the core. A shortage of care workers and substantial increases in demand have left some of our most vulnerable in a state of despair and at high risk. 

We believe in creating a social care system that empowers local people and encourages them to live full, long and happy lives no matter their condition. 

From mental health support to domiciliary care, the system needs a shake-up with compassion and care at the centre of it.

We will fight for a shift in social care policy that focuses on investment, engagement and empowerment.

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